Access Interviews is a unique index to the world's interviews. We have joined forces with major print publishers, leading broadcasters and respected journalists to provide direct links to their work. Access Interviews also encourages a collaborative editorial. We want our community to choose which interviews appear on our site. If you have spotted a great interview then why not up-load its location and share it. Access Interviews was founded by English author and journalist Rob McGibbon and launched on 7th January 2008. McGibbon has been interviewing high profile personalities for 20 years and is a regular judge in the annual British Press Awards - often in the 'Interviewer of the Year' category. He knows that the business of interviewing is all about access. Without it, you have nothing. Only the best writers and most trusted publishers get access. Access is your access to their work - and their access to YOU.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Press Gazette - 27 January 2009

Access salutes Gordon Smart Coldplay chumminess

Journalist Rob McGibbon has celebrated the first birthday of his website Access Interviews - which aggregates journalists’ interviews from all over the web - by creating the Access Interviews Awards 2009.

Most accessed interview of the year was Henrietta Zuel, by Matt Dickinson of The Times.

More fun are his irreverant categories such as Most Inept Interviewer of the Year - winner DJ Les Ross’ now legendary chat with Hardeep Singh Koli.

Says Rob: “This was a supreme master class in all the things you are not supposed to do as an interviewer. No preparation, no clear line of questioning, an attitude to totally piss off your subject.”

Winner of the Gone Native award went to Sun Bizarre editor Gordon Smart for “Kidnapped by Coldplay“.

Rob says: “We accept that a certain degree of chumminess is necessary to get the goods from an interview, but Gordon showed enough warmth to accelerate the melting of the ice cap while schmoozing with hack hating Chris Martin and his band mates (do the others have names?).

“Gordon gushed and puffed until Coldplay fell down on his tape recorder. To prove he was well onside he donned a Coldplay stage outfit, drank their booze, used their cars, their jet, their LA hotel and even joined their football team.

“But it is his name-checking of the flunkies that brings him the Gone Native trophy: ‘I watched from the sound desk with the group’s tour manager, Franksy, PA Vicki and Arlene, who works for the management.’

“We applaud Gordon’s ligging abilities in securing this junket at (we hope) the record company’s expense and for getting a centre spread out of a reportage preview to an interview. But it was all worth it because the resulting world exclusive interview produced a stunning revelatory line: “We miss X-Factor“.

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